熱門搜索(Suo): 閘閥  止回閥  調節閥  球閥  截止閥  蝶閥[Fa]
您的位置: 主頁[Ye] > 産品展示[Shi] > 金屬(Shu)類控制閥 > 氣動[Dong]O型切斷(Duan)球閥


作者:admin    發布時間(Jian):2020-07-18 19:13     浏覽次數 :

氣動O型切斷球閥具有流通[Tong]能力大(Da)、結構緊湊(Cou)、密封(Feng)性(Xing)能好、 壽命長等特點,經濟實用、易[Yi]于(Yu)維護。廣泛應用于石油、化工、 天然氣、電力[Li]、冶金、食品、制[Zhi]藥等要求嚴密切斷的場(Chang)合,也可 适[Shi]用于水、蒸汽、油品、液化氣、天[Tian]然氣、煤氣等(Deng)介質。另外可(Ke) 根據客戶的(De)需求[Qiu]選擇防(Fang)火型、特殊硬化處理型,提[Ti]供更安[An]全、更 廣泛的[De]應用。 

The pneumatic O-type cut-off ball valve is characterized by large circulation capacity, compact structure, good sealing performance and long service life, which is also economical, practical and easy to maintain.It is widely used in situations required strict cut-off including petroleum, chemical industry, natural gas, electric power, metallurgy, food and pharmaceutical, and also suitable for water, steam, oils, li que fed gas, natural gas, coal gas and other media.In addition, it can also be fre-proof and special hardening treatment according to the needs of customers to provide safer and more extensive applications.


